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Costume Design
T-Shaped Tunic
For the final project of my junior year costume design class we were asked to design, draft and create a scaled down version of a T-Shaped Tunic inspired garment.
I drew inspiration from androgynous and gender neutral fashion and the contrast between masculine and feminine silhouettes. I wanted to achieve a playfulness of gender in this garment and I did so by combining a more masculine, structured silhouette for the base of the piece and disrupting it with the softer and more feminine ruffle across the chest and over the left shoulder.
If I had more time, I would have incorporated beading and embroidery of internal organs and the skeleton on the panels beneath the ruffle to achieve an effect of a peeling away of skin or a facade - a reference to my interest in the exploration of the performance of gender.
This was my first time drafting patterns and creating a garment from scratch and while it was extremely challenging, I am extremely happy with the final garment I created.
I drew inspiration from androgynous and gender neutral fashion and the contrast between masculine and feminine silhouettes. I wanted to achieve a playfulness of gender in this garment and I did so by combining a more masculine, structured silhouette for the base of the piece and disrupting it with the softer and more feminine ruffle across the chest and over the left shoulder.
If I had more time, I would have incorporated beading and embroidery of internal organs and the skeleton on the panels beneath the ruffle to achieve an effect of a peeling away of skin or a facade - a reference to my interest in the exploration of the performance of gender.
This was my first time drafting patterns and creating a garment from scratch and while it was extremely challenging, I am extremely happy with the final garment I created.

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Costume Design
This project was an assignment for my junior year Costume Design course, we were told to create a design package for a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream to include 3-4 actors playing 2 -5 roles or "looks" each, based on a point of view/directorial concept of our choice.
My point of view has this production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" taking place in New York City. Queerness is at the center of this design project as I was heavily inspired by the East Village queer nightlife, central park and the palette and aesthetics of HBO's "Euphoria". The production revolves around a club called "The Faerie Ring" which is owned and operated by Theseus and Hippolyta, the human alter ego's of Oberon and Titania.
I was inspired by streetwear and club attire for the Athenian youths, Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius. The Rude Mechanicals are portrayed as drag queens and I wanted them to have a variety of drag queens so I included renderings of a Trixie Mattel inspired "comedy queen" and a more high fashion Violet Chachki inspired "look queen".
For the faeries I was heavily inspired by the work of Schiaparelli and Iris Van Herpen, as well as the native flora and fauna of Manhattan Island and Central Park. For Titania's look I drew inspiration from the Dogwood flower and Puck was inspired by the white tailed deer.
My point of view has this production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" taking place in New York City. Queerness is at the center of this design project as I was heavily inspired by the East Village queer nightlife, central park and the palette and aesthetics of HBO's "Euphoria". The production revolves around a club called "The Faerie Ring" which is owned and operated by Theseus and Hippolyta, the human alter ego's of Oberon and Titania.
I was inspired by streetwear and club attire for the Athenian youths, Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius. The Rude Mechanicals are portrayed as drag queens and I wanted them to have a variety of drag queens so I included renderings of a Trixie Mattel inspired "comedy queen" and a more high fashion Violet Chachki inspired "look queen".
For the faeries I was heavily inspired by the work of Schiaparelli and Iris Van Herpen, as well as the native flora and fauna of Manhattan Island and Central Park. For Titania's look I drew inspiration from the Dogwood flower and Puck was inspired by the white tailed deer.

The Elements Project - Costume Design
The collection of designs was created for my junior year Costume Design class. We were asked to create four renderings, each representing one of the four elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water - and include fabric swatches from the supplies available in the costume shop.
I went for a historical approach to this assignment, as I was initially very inspired by Arthurian costuming and historical garments.
Earth - This is my favorite of the four renderings/designs. Instead of taking the typical approach to earth, I decided to focus on metal and designed an armoured, knight inspired look.
Water - This look was inspired by the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legends and the flowing gowns of noblewomen at the time. This gown would be constructed of many layers of thin, gauzy fabric that would be embroidered with beads and jeweled to give the illusion of dripping water.
Fire - For this look I also wanted to take an unconventional approach to fire by focusing on portraying crackling embers and coals. I love the way that embers glow and radiate heat through cracks in a charred surface. I was inspired by the puffed sleeves of dresses in the early 1800s and that lead the design of this garment.
Air - This design was inspired by fluffy clouds and the Rococo era and affinity for accoutrements. I wanted to portray the clouds at sunset with light, airy fabrics like tulle and chiffon and an abundance of trims and layers.
I went for a historical approach to this assignment, as I was initially very inspired by Arthurian costuming and historical garments.
Earth - This is my favorite of the four renderings/designs. Instead of taking the typical approach to earth, I decided to focus on metal and designed an armoured, knight inspired look.
Water - This look was inspired by the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legends and the flowing gowns of noblewomen at the time. This gown would be constructed of many layers of thin, gauzy fabric that would be embroidered with beads and jeweled to give the illusion of dripping water.
Fire - For this look I also wanted to take an unconventional approach to fire by focusing on portraying crackling embers and coals. I love the way that embers glow and radiate heat through cracks in a charred surface. I was inspired by the puffed sleeves of dresses in the early 1800s and that lead the design of this garment.
Air - This design was inspired by fluffy clouds and the Rococo era and affinity for accoutrements. I wanted to portray the clouds at sunset with light, airy fabrics like tulle and chiffon and an abundance of trims and layers.

Small Mouth Sounds - Costume Design
This project was part of an assignment for my sophomore Fundamentals of Performance Design class. We were asked to draw and render costumes for 3 characters from the play "Small Mouth Sounds" by Bess Wohl using texture/pattern swatches and photoshop to create our renderings.
I chose the characters Ned, Joan and Alicia. This was my first time rendering costumes or using photoshop in a formal setting.
I chose the characters Ned, Joan and Alicia. This was my first time rendering costumes or using photoshop in a formal setting.

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